
Score Types | Score Approaches | Smugglers Opportunities | Random Score Generator

Usually, a score will fall into one of three categories:

  • A criminal activity, determined by your crew type. An assassination, burglary, illicit vice deal, etc. (Crew types and their primary scores are detailed in Chapter 3, starting on page 91.)
  • Seizing a claim that you choose from your crew’s claim map. Claims help your crew grow and develop. See page 46 for more details.
  • A special mission or goal determined by the players (like getting a rare artifact to empower one of the Whisper’s rituals).



  • ASSAULT: Do violence to a target. Detail: The point of attack.
  • DECEPTION: Lure, trick, or manipulate. Detail: The method of deception.
  • STEALTH: Trespass unseen. Detail: The point of infiltration.
  • OCCULT: Engage a supernatural power. Detail: The arcane method.
  • SOCIAL: Negotiate, bargain, or persuade. Detail: The social connection.
  • TRANSPORT: Carry cargo or people through danger. Detail: The route & means.


Opportunities | Contraband / Cargo

  1. Skovlander insurrectionists need supplies for their campaign of terror attacks against city institutions.
  2. Union organizers want to arm factory workers in advance of a strike.
  3. A massive gang war creates high demand for restricted military weapons and heavy ordnance.
  4. Exiled nobility slumming it in Doskvol has a sudden and urgent need to go home that they won’t explain.
  5. Leviathan hunter made undocumented stops. Meet them outside the city and bring some things in uninspected.
  6. Heiress needs to leave the city to meet her forbidden love. If you make it look like a kidnapping she’ll split the ransom.

  1. The city council outlaws a formerly legal product.
  2. A jailbreak at Ironhook means many escaped prisoners seek flight from the city.
  3. For a nominal fee, a Bluecoat will help you acquire a vehicle seized from another gang.
  4. A new spice has been “discovered” in Tycheros but it’s officially banned. Naturally, everyone wants it.
  5. A route is closed to traffic (and Bluecoat inspection) due to: imminent collapse—weird events—toxic gas—fires.
  6. A criminal organization needs weapons smuggled into Ironhook to seize control of a cell-block.

  1. A cult wants to smuggle their demon-tainted “chosen one” past the Spirit Wardens and out into the deathlands.
  2. An ancient artifact has been spotted outside the barrier and academics need it in the city yesterday. For study, of course.
  3. A district is quarantined due to ghost infestation or plague. They need basic supplies, and spirit wards even more.
  4. A client wants you to move a strange package around the city for two days straight. Don’t stop moving! That would be bad.
  5. A derailed train in the deathlands has a lot of salvageable cargo. Possibly (wealthy and grateful) survivors, too.
  6. A noble’s crimes leave their assets frozen. Their leviathan hunter, full from an expedition, is forbidden to dock.

Smugglers Opportunities


  1. Escaped Prisoners, Spies (forbidden)
  2. Workers Fleeing Contracts (forbidden)
  3. A Devil or Dangerous Artifact (forbidden)
  4. Insurrectionists or Anarchists (forbidden)
  5. Refugees or Immigrants (restricted access)
  6. A Noble or Official Seeking Secret Travel

  1. Fine Tobacco, Whiskey, Wine, etc. (high tax)
  2. Luxuries—Perfumes, Silks, Spices (high tax)
  3. Livestock or Dangerous Animals (restricted Ownership)
  4. Medicine, Alchemicals (restricted ownership)
  5. Military Arms (Restricted ownership)
  6. Drugs (high tax)

  1. Confidential Documents (restricted ownership)
  2. Banned Art, Seditious Materials (restricted ownership)
  3. Arcane Implements or Documents (forbidden)
  4. Electroplasmic Tech (restricted ownership)
  5. Volatile Alchemicals or Explosives (forbidden)
  6. Spirit Essences (restricted ownership)

Smugglers Opportunities Top

Target | Work | Twist | Person | Faction

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  1. Academic or Scholar
  2. Laborer or Tradesman
  3. Courier or Sailor
  4. Merchant or Shopkeeper
  5. Artist or Writer
  6. Doctor or Alchemist


  1. Drug Dealer or Supplier
  2. Mercenary or Thug
  3. Fence or Gambler
  4. Spy or Informant
  5. Smuggler or Thief
  6. Crime Boss


  1. Noble or Official
  2. Banker or Captain
  3. Revolutionary or Refugee
  4. Clergy or Cultist
  5. Constable or Inspector
  6. Magistrate or Ward Boss


  1. Ghost of (roll again)
  2. Occult Collector
  3. Vampire or Other Undead
  4. Demon (disguised)
  5. Possessed or Hollow
  6. Whisper or Cultist

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  1. Stalking or Surveillance
  2. Sabotage or Arson
  3. Lift or Plant
  4. Poison or Arrange Accident
  5. Burglary or Heist
  6. Impersonate or Misdirect


  1. Assassinate
  2. Disappear or Ransom
  3. Terrorize or Extort
  4. Destroy or Deface
  5. Raid or Defend
  6. Rob or Strong-arm


  1. Escort or Security
  2. Smuggle or Courier
  3. Blackmail or Discredit
  4. Con or Espionage
  5. Locate or Hide
  6. Negotiate or Threaten


  1. Curse or Sanctify
  2. Banish or Summon
  3. Extract Essence
  4. Place or Remove Runes
  5. Perform / Stop Ritual
  6. Hollow or Revivify

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  1. An element is a cover for heretic spirit cult practices
  2. An occultist has foreseen this job and warned the parties involved
  3. Rogue spirits possess some/most/all of the people involved
  4. Rogue spirits haunt the location
  5. The job furthers a demon’s secret agenda
  6. The job furthers a vampire’s secret agenda

  1. An element is a front for a criminal enterprise
  2. A dangerous gang uses the location
  3. The job is a trap laid by your enemies
  4. The job is a test for another job
  5. The job furthers a merchant lord’s secret agenda
  6. The job furthers a crime boss’s secret agenda

  1. The job requires travel by electro-rail
  2. Must visit the deathlands to do the job
  3. The job requires sea travel
  4. The location moves around (site changes, it’s on a vehicle, etc.)
  5. The job furthers a revolutionary’s secret agenda
  6. The job furthers a city official’s secret agenda

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  1. PC Friend
  2. PC Rival
  3. PC Vice purveyor
  4. Crew Contact
  5. City Doskvol notable
  6. Weird Ghost, Demon, God

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11 The Unseen
12 Lord Scurlock
13 The Circle of Flame
14 The Lampblacks
15 The Dimmer Sisters
16 The Billhooks

21 The Gray Cloaks
22 The Fog Hounds
23 City Council or The Foundation
24 Spirit Wardens
25 Imperial Military
26 Sparkwrights

31 A Consulate
32 Leviathan Hunters
33 Gondoliers or Cabbies
34 The Church of Ecstasy
35 The Forgotten Gods
36 Skovlander Refugees

41 The Silver Nails
42 The Hive
43 The Crows
44 The Red Sashes
45 The Grinders
46 The Wraiths

51 Ulf Ironborn
52 The Lost
53 Ironhook Prison
54 Bluecoats or Inspectors
55 Laborers or Servants
56 Cyphers or Ink Rakes

61 Ministry of Preservation
62 Sailors or Dockers
63 Rail Jacks or The Brigade
64 The Weeping Lady
65 Path of Echoes or Reconciled
66 Deathlands Scavengers

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