
09.04.23 - Session Four

The plan was straight forward. Having regrouped after the events of the previous session, Roddy, Rin and Crash were set to transport The Weaver across Doskvol, initially carrying it's spirit jar on a goat pulled dark. This would be a race against The Dimmer Sisters and any other interested factions. Roddy had previously contacted an old contact from his Bluecoat days, a certain Captain Bernard?, meeting him in The Gnarled Goat?, a Lampblacks? tavern. Captain Bernard agreed to arrange a meeting for him with Captain Vale, an honorable but pragmatic Bluecoat in Charterhall?. Rin had also done some ground work before the score started, getting Esme to alert the Lampblacks to their need to move through Crow's Foot? quickly and unobserved.

An engagement roll of 5 meant they started the score on the far side of the bridge into Crow's Foot in a Risky position. The way across the bridge is clear, but Crash is aware that they are being scryed upon through a spirit. He quickly and successfully deals with the threat, leaving whoever was watching them aware that The Blue Salamanders were on to them, and now unable to pinpoint their exact position.

Swiftly moving across the bridge before they were picked up again, they were met by Lampblack contacts who led them on a route through the back roads, pubs and brothels of the region. Again, with careful scouting they managed to evade those they knew were out there looking for them.

Reaching Charterhall? Roddy called in on the Bluecoat offices of Captain Vale. This was not as straightforward as hoped, as he was met by PC Edmund?, another Bluecoat from his time in the force. Not only did Edmund know of his past, but also had a well earned reputation for being excessively corrupt. With the help of Crash, they managed to intimidate PC Edmund into backing off and remaining silent, for now at least. Captain Bernard's description of Captain Vale was accurate, and they managed to persuade him that the peace of the city would be best served by their passing through Charterhall without being obstructed by The Bluecoats.

And so it was that they found themselves on the far side of Charterhall, looking across the canal to Six Towers where Lord Penderyn was waiting for them. However, the forces pursuing them were closing in. The Vultures?, a rival smuggler crew were coming towards them on the water, seeking to get one over the Blue Salamanders. Across the water, awaited the Spirit Wardens, looking for The Weaver, aware that this spirit was out there still. Another Engagement Roll was made to determine their position. With much relief a 6 was rolled, they were in a Controlled Position, aware of these nearby forces before they became aware of them. Donning Crash's Spirit Lungs, they slipped into the canal unseen and crossed it on its bed. Rising on the otherside, they managed to get to Penderyn's without being seen at all. He received them delighted that they had managed to deliver the jar without other factions being aware that he was its recipient.


  • Payoff - 6 Coin
  • Tithe - Paid to The Wraiths?
  • Heat - +?
  • Entanglements -Unquiet Dead: A rogue spirit is drawn to you (perhaps it's a past victim?). Acquire the services of a Whisper or Rail Jack to attempt to destroy or banish it, or deal with it yourself.
  • Factions:

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