
17.03.23 - Session Three:Part One

It all began with a meeting between Roddy's mysterious vice purveyor, Lord Penderyn, in his faded 'gothic' mansion in Six Towers. In an attempt to cultivate their relationship, and earn some coin for the crewe, Roddy approached him concerning the possibility of work. As it happened, Penderyn was looking for someone to 'retrieve' a spirit from at large for his 'collection' - the very collection of spirits in jars that Roddy sought him out for in the first place, using them to commune with his family.

Roddy's news was met with hesitation from the rest of The Blue Salamanders, especially Crash, the group's Whisper. The pay was good, 6 Coin, but the task dangerous, especially as the nature of the spirit was unknown. Crash decided to do some background research, meeting up with a fellow Whisper from Gondoliers, Griggs?, to see what information he could glean. Griggs shared various bits and pieces, but most notably, more on the desecrated Hollows they had been dragging out of the canals. The desecration took the form of a multitude of injuries, and the hideous draining of the person's life-force from the body, leaving it a wretched husk. The stories weren't pleasant...

Armed with this, they met Lord Penderyn and his butler in Penderyn Towers. The serene if somewhat spooky old man told them more of the task, the spirit was known by the name of The Weaver, and he had a special Spirit Jar? he had procured for it's containment. Crash's informed hesitancy led to an increased offer of 8 Coin, which they accepted.

Excellent work by Rin, investigating Silkshore, where they had been informed The Weaver was, and time spent with Penderyn, investigating the signature 'bouquet' of The Weaver that he had identified, translated into the sense of pistons and oil that Crash was more attuned to mean that they were able to pin down where The Weaver would be, finding it before other interested parties might arrive, and and prepare for an ambush. (An engagement roll of six helped, meaning they began in a controlled fashion!) They waited for it to materialise in The Spark Grounds? where acrobats were carrying out daring feats of gymnastics in they air, under the crackling flares of the tall lightening tower. It appeared as anticipated, perched upon the tower, seeming to feed on the energy and emotion of the performers and the watching crowd. Crash reached into the ghost field, and used it to manipulate The Weaver, bringing Roddy to it's attention, having prepared what he believed would be an attractive allure for it. Unable to see it, Roddy bravely called to it, beckoning it to come and consume him. It sprang...

...And found itself caught is an ecstactic paralysis, drooling ectoplasm over Roddy's in its quivering anticipation of the immanent feast. This was all that Rin needed to attack, with one mighty blow rendering it stunned and unable to respond to either the attack nor Roddy's prone form before it. As the lightening flashed and momentarily blinked out, the incapacitated Weaver was scooped into the jar and whisked away before any other interested parties could arrive...


  • Payoff - Not paid this session, due after Part Two...
  • Tithe - Not paid this session, due after Part Two...
  • Heat - +2 Heat, removed by downtime activity by Rin and Crash (Crash using violence and the threat of violence to prevent people passing on what had happened to The Gondoliers).
  • Entanglements - Griggs? is flipped. Whilst the Gondoliers are not aware of The Blue Salamanders' capturing The Weaver and handing it over to Lord Penderyn, he has grown in suspicion, alerted by rumours that have somehow come his way.
  • Factions:

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