

Having developed a good working relationship with the Gondoliers, it was no surprise when The blue Salamanders were approached by Eisele?, their leader, regarding a score. Recently, she revealed, they have been having trouble with Spirit Wells? and desecrated Hollows? being dumped in the canals, and needed an edge to help keep on top of the growing problem. A ship was due to dock soon from Tycheros, and there was a crate of Spark-craft? weapons on board that they needed picking up and delivering to them. The catch? They were of a not strictly legal nature. Could the Blue Salamanders do it - for a fee of course (four Coin).

Having a contact at the docks already, Christoff Maridon, 'The Hammer', the crew accepted. He would ensure the goods were ready for them, and all they would have to do is discreetly ferry it through the side canals to the rendezvous point. What could go wrong?...

The course of love and war is never straight, however. Christoff and the goods were there and ready, but as the crew turned to head down the jetty, they found a group of The Fog Hounds menacingly heading up the jetty towards them - it seemed that they were here for a separate heist and had stumbled on them (the players messed up their engagement roll, landing them in a Desperate situation).

Crash produced a pistol and started firing shots in an attempt to push the Fog Hounds back. Diva took it upon herself to cause a distraction, Roddy throwing her a piece of unimportant kit as a decoy, in a pre-arranged back-up plan. Quickly she sprinted down the jetty, leaping from boat to boat, in an effort to trick the Fog Hounds after her. In the same move, the rest of the Crew dropped the crate containing the goods into the water, doing their best to make it seem unimportant. The subterfuge worked enough. Three of the Fog Hounds pursued Diva, leaving the rest of the crew with only three to deal with - much better odds. Grasping a haulage pole used to carry the crates, Rin sent two of them flying of the jetty, depositing them in a passing boat, taking them away from the scene (a Critical). Crash produced a further array of weapons, a grease gun to make Diva's chasers slip and slide, and a mighty crossbow which set the final one on the jetty to flight. Diva's flight was just as successful, having led them on a wild goose chase, she professionally slipped out of sight, dropping into the water using Crash's breathing mask. The only damage, a bruised shoulder (minor harm) which restricted subsequent physical activity.

Later they returned to collect the crates, hoping that things would have quietened down, but alas, once more, things didn't go as hoped (a second engagement/fortune roll, which came out as a 1-3!). On arrival, they found that the Bluecoats were there, lowering men into the water in a search for what might be there. Obviously word had reached them that things were amiss after the shooting and general disturbance earlier. Roddy and Crash took charge of the distraction, showing forged passes from the University (flashback) identifying them as ???? Although the passes were superb copies of the original, they were not quite as hoped - they were signed by a police officer who unbeknownst to them had died. Nevertheless, the resulting conversation, and Crash's insistence that it was dangerous in the water because of mud sharks, gave the time for Rin and Diva to don their spirit lungs, and slip into the water. Diva quietly and cleanly opened the crate whilst Diva emptied it and refilled it with more general supplies. Rin's spirit lungs started filling with intoxicating miasma, but Rin battled through, completing the task successfully.


  • Payoff - The goods in hand, the Blue Salamanders reconvened away from the dock, and delivered the goods to The Gondoliers without further disturbance, earning themselves their 4 Coin in return for their efforts.
  • Tithe - 1 Coin tithe given to The Wraiths
  • Heat -
  • Entanglements - This isn't without consequence, however, they've finally come to the attention of The Bluecoats, through the earlier disturbance and false papers. This might explain why the Bluecoats 'lent' on Crash's supplier (Usual Suspects). They're also developing a slight reputation for their water based 'trickery' and the Fog Hounds are beginning to become hostile (Fog Hounds want Revenge 1/4 clock).
  • Factions:
    • +1 The Gondoliers for helping them
    • -1 Fog Hounds for hindering them
    • -1 Bluecoats, becoming suspicious of them

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