
Returned to the ship. Through conversation with Phyllis and Karl discover the true nature of the Grey Company, unknown even to many of its members. Their identity as a thieves guild, is in fact a cover. The Grey Company is a cover for an organisation dedicated to taking down the Cult of the Dying Sun
Founder and first captain of The Caravel was Captain Shanks
Phyllis is the current head of the group.

Captain Shanks summoned by Karl. Uses Light fundamental magic, Law affinity to do so (same as magic surrounding the gem on the island). Sustained by candle light. If circle binding him is broken, his lust for revenge may be trouble.

Gem placed on island by ancient users of this magic - opposed to that of the Cult of the Dying Sun which is Light & Chaos. Chaos would drain energy from the Sun, hence the name... Put there to save it before overcome. Hence do not know exactly how the gem will aid them...