

  • High Concept: I Am D'Eric The Mighty, Dragonborn Paladin!
  • Trouble: Noble Obligation Towards Those I Consider Beneath Me
  • Relationship: The Real Marquis of Coppertop
  • Other Aspect: Right is Might! Slides Into Berserker Rage When Right Is Doomed
  • Other Aspect: Knightly Courage When All Others Fail

Dragon Torso:
Shiny golden dragon scales provide natural armour. Provides +1 Fight when defending against physical attacks.

Healing Hands (Water Fundamental):
Can 'feel' physical injuries in others and knit them back together. A successful Overcome action using Empathy (against Consequence level), reduces Consequence one level if slot free. A Success with Style reduces it two levels.

Dragon Breath:
Can breathe out dragon fire as an attack. On a successful Shoot attack, inflict an additional +2 shifts of damage. Cost: 1FP.

Magic, flaming glaive forged in my father's breath. Smashes through opponent's armour with ease. On a successful attack causes +1 shifts of damage.

Great (+4): Fight
Good (+3): Physique, Will
Fair (+2): Academics, Empathy, Provoke, Shoot
Average (+1): Athletics, Empathy, Notice, Provoke, Rapport, Resources, Stealth
Mediocre (+0): Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Crafts, Deceive, Drive, Investigate, Lore, Prayer

Skills List - Academics, Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Crafts, Deceive, Drive, Empathy, Fight, Investigate, Lore, Notice, Physique, Prayer, Provoke, Rapport, Resources, Shoot, Stealth, Will PHYSIQUE/WILL - PHYSICAL/MENTAL STRESS Mediocre (+0) [1][1][1] Average (+1) or Fair (+2) [1][1][1] [1] Good (+3) or Great (+4) [1][1][1] [1][1][1] Superb (+5) and higher [1][1][1] [1][1][1] and a second mild consequence slot specifically for physical or mental hits


Physical [ ] [ ] [ ] - [ ] [ ] [ ]
Mental [ ] [ ] [ ] - [ ] [ ] [ ]

2 Mild
4 Moderate
6 Severe