

  • High Concept: Flashy Halfling Chancer Experimental Halfling Tinkerer
  • Trouble: Gambler With Penchant For A Nightcap
  • Relationship: Admires D'Eric And Used To Be Indebted To Him For Saving His Life
  • Other Aspect: At Home In The Shadows
  • Other Aspect: Experimental Tinkerer Ex-Thief

Side Step:
Because I’m nimble, I get a +2 when I use athletics to defend against melee attacks.

Because I'm a tinkerer, I can use Resources instead of Fight to attack as long as I have some of my things with me

Back Against The Wall:
Because I can call on an endless variety of dirty tricks to get out of sticky situations, I get a +2 when I use fight to create an advantage if I’m in real trouble.

Assassin From The Shadows:\\ Because I’m cunning, I can use stealth instead of fight to attack as long as my foe’s attention is elsewhere.

Fine Steel Helm
Wearing this helm soaks 1 point of stress per session in defense of blows not seen coming

Great (+4): Resources,
Good (+3): Empathy, Stealth, Crafts
Fair (+2): Athletics, Crafts, Deceive,
Average (+1): Burglary, Notice, Rapport, ?
Mediocre (+0): Contacts, Drive, Fight, Investigate, Lore, Physique, Prayer, Provoke, Shoot, Will

Skills List - Academics, Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Crafts, Deceive, Drive, Empathy, Fight, Investigate, Lore, Notice, Physique, Prayer, Provoke, Rapport, Resources, Shoot, Stealth, Will PHYSIQUE/WILL - PHYSICAL/MENTAL STRESS Mediocre (+0) [1][1][1] Average (+1) or Fair (+2) [1][1][1] [1] Good (+3) or Great (+4) [1][1][1] [1][1][1] Superb (+5) and higher [1][1][1] [1][1][1] and a second mild consequence slot specifically for physical or mental hits+ 2 Academics

Physical [ ] [ ] [ ]
Mental [ ] [ ] [ ]

2 Mild
4 Moderate
6 Severe