
The Crew decided to tackle the following Threats & Opportunities that presented themselves:

Today the War Ends After weeks of open warfare between The Lampblacks and The Red Sashes, Baszo Baz senses time has come for the final push. 'Today,' he declares to you and other allies, 'the war ends. One concerted effort and they're ours. How are you going to help us?' Of course, you know that at some point, the Sashes are going to come knocking at your door about that crate you smuggled in for the Lampblacks...

A Cold Shoulder The Sashes aren't the only obstruction you're facing right now. Recently fellow river users have ceased to offer you their usual support. Furthermore, as you discovered during Rin's 'title fight' against Marlane, The Gondoliers have become a little colder towards you than usual, hindering the flow of spectators as you relocated to the Docks. What's that all about, and do you need to take action?

The Score: In response to Baszo Baz's demand, Crash responded with the promise of 'Spirit Bombs', explosives with a supernatural edge to them; The Blue Salamanders being more of a behind the scenes team that frontline fighters. Besides, these 'Spirit Bombs' could help them with another complication they were currently facing, the friction being dished out by The Gondoliers. They were convinced Griggs was behind this, their whisperer (see Episode Three). The score? They were going to set him up, an 'ambush' that would reveal that he was working against the Lamp Blacks and Gondoliers.

The Set-Up: Mr H. decided to test his theories about the Weaver, by seeking to have a hallucinogenic vision, brought on through drugs and cultic ritual with the assistance of Malista. In his stupor, he saw Griggs being pushed forward by flames, and a melting spider hull, but this was countered, held back, by a wall of water.

Crash sought to determine Griggs' recent activities using spirits, leaving food and beer offerings for them. Successful, he received the report that Griggs was no longer involved in whisper activity, but had moved onto other, different work. This concurred with the feedback that Rin obtained from speaking to a fellow pugilist in the Gondoliers, 'Skinner'. His report was that Griggs had changed, gaining in steel and power.

Whilst this was going on, Roddy was consorting with Luigi, a Gondolier organiser, in a box at their theatre, buttering him up, and discovering his 'racist' attitude towards The Red Sashes.

The plan? Crash would set up the ambush by moving parts and prototypes of the Spirit bombs to their lab under the theatre. He'd do this alone to lure Griggs in... Meanwhile Roddy would be with a group from the Gondoliers, just happening to come across Crash and Griggs as Griggs hopefully revealed himself and his true nature. Mr. H. and Rin would also be ready, watching discreetly, protecting Crash from harm.

The Showdown: 3d6 was rolled for the engagement roll, with a 5 as the result. Risky!

Whilst the plan was a sound one, it didn't quite factor in hold ups, meaning that the planned convergence failed. With tier 3 Spirit Bombs in his possession, made with the assistance of his water demon associate (an association that might explain the 'flaw' in their Spirit Masks), Setera, Crash encountered Griggs on his own... whilst the others took desperate measures to get across Doskvol to meet him. A combination of guile, violence and willpower enabled Crash to hang on, and keep Griggs and his heavies talking, revealing his intentions in true super-villain style just as Roddy swung into the neighbourhood on a boat with a party of Gondoliers, using the flashlight to pick out Griggs and his betrayal. Chaos ensued...

The climax was Crash surrendering his bombs to Griggs, having rigged them to detonate as he left...

Unaware of this, Rin bundled through the chaos to protect Crash from Griggs, putting himself in danger...

...but his timing was good, with the two of them just escaping the heart of the explosion!

Score accomplished, they left having made arrangements with The Gondoliers to clear up the bodies of the Griggs' heavies.


  • Payoff - 8 Coin
  • Tithe - yes
  • Rep - +4
  • Heat - +7
  • Entanglements - Questioning - ESME taken by Bluecoats (PC Edmund) for questioning. Paid 2 Coin to get her released...
  • Factions:
    • +1 Status with The Gondoliers
    • -1 Status with The Red Sashes
    • Additional modifications

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